Vaastu Shastra

an Encyclopedia on Vastu Shastra

An Introduction to Chakras

chakra healing
Colour Therapy 'Chakra' is the seven most crucial energy centers of which human body is composed. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel and these seven energy chakras functions as valves that regulates the flow of energy through our body system. Our body organs are connected to chakras and each chakra are connected to colour frequency. These chakras help us in responding through all the decisions we make.

The tension you feel in your consciousness, you actually feel it in the organ or part associated with particular chakra. The tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus which is also associated with that chakra and disseminated to the parts of the body controlled by the plexus.

Chakras are basically our power centers through which the life energy flows in and out. They vitalize the body and prepare to bring about the development of our self-conscious. These seven life chakras are associated with mental, physical and emotional interactions. The chakras are usually organized from upper to bottom i.e. seventh chakra lies on top and first chakra lies below.

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