Vaastu Shastra

an Encyclopedia on Vastu Shastra

Beat the winter waves with yoga

Yoga is a word derived from the Vedic word 'yog' as it goes beyond the India. Yoga is ancient knowledge that interconnects the body, mind and soul in one form. This ancient mystical form has been originated in India and from here it propagated to the other worlds.

As the winter is at the corner and in the coming time will certainly arrive full fledged. Winter doesn't mean to sit at home in your quilt and beat the chill; this will probably increase the intensity of cold in your body. Beating the chill waves through yoga is a good idea this winter. Most people grudge upon the backaches during the winter due to the sudden outbreak of chill waves that blow and affect the body.

The other problems which they suffer are cold, shivering, fever, cough and headache. These discomforts can be prolonged if proper care is not taken. These ailments can be discarded with scheduled yoga regime. Yoga will not only help you to get rid of diseases indeed it will give you peace of mind and good health.

Some important yog asana for winter are:

Sarvanga asana

It is also known as shoulder stand.
  • In this asana lie supine with feet together and hands by the side.
  • Now breathe and lift your legs so that your hips and trunk also gets up.
  • This time you can take support of the hands but the elbows lie on the ground.
  • Feet should face upwards in a straight line.
  • Hold your breath for a second and return to normal position.

Dhanur asana

It is called as bow.
  • In this asana lie down on your abdomen and relax.
  • Now lift your legs up, backwards bending towards the knee and hold your ankles from your hands.
  • In this position you will not able to see your back being you lie down.
  • Take a long breathe and lift your head, legs from back and thighs off the ground.
  • Hold it for 4-6 breaths and exhale it while returning to the normal position.

Bidal asana

It is called cat pose because you need to rest on your palms and knees.
  • Hold your spine and look forward while stretching.
  • Crouch inwards so that you just round about the spine and look to your navel.
  • Exhale in this position and take a couple of breath here.
  • Come back to your normal position while inhaling.
  • Now go forward to the cow stretch by lying down your back and lifting head as much as you can.
  • After this come back to the original position while exhaling.

Shava asana

It also known as corpse pose.
  • In this asana you have to lie down normally with feet and palm comfortably away from each other in a relaxing position.
  • Just concentrate on all the parts of the body and relax while lying straight. You can do this for 10-15 minutes.
  • These basic asanas are common and easy to perform. If they are practiced regularly on scheduled basis they will help the body to perform well, imparts energy, boost up immune system and rid you of stress.
Pranayama is another way to keep winter disorders away.


Pranayama means to lengthen the prana or life-force as it rounds around breathing only. Breath is the key mover of prana in the body, as pranayama practices consists of active regulations of breathe. It aims to dispel impurities from the body which ultimately leads to illness and impurities in the mind which clouds perception.

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Vastu Shastra


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