Motherhood is all about love, care and struggle however do not get so involve in this so that you may end up finding your own self in darkness. Do the needful as per your terms, give your family some space for you and spent time with children and husband doing extra ordinary things.
Motherhood impact
Being a mother is an incredible task and underrated job in the world. Though god has rewarded only woman with this particular task, yet striking a balance between parenthood with the children is a tedious job.
There are many mothers who have been aspiring to earn and live on their own terms regardless of their family and other matters. Due to their own motherhood their mind may pull back to the family and its care.
Deprived of needs
Mothers have a tendency to pamper everybody in the family and in order doing so their needs become secondary for others family members.
In these works and family women do get frustrated and short-tempered as they may dissuade by their own people for not going out.
Need to improvise
The foremost thing you need to see is to take care of yourself. This doesn’t mean you don’t bother for family especially children. Be creative and struggle with your own mind if you want to go out.
Never give up your hobbies even if you have number of members to take care of. Your own needs are primary for you and there is a need to balance it with other things.
Go for options
Infants need mother atleast for a year and till then women’s can give their time to their motherhood but once a child grows up he/she can be sent off to cruche.
The other option for women is to hire agency maids to look after your child so that you need not to sit and undertake every activity.
Strike a balance between work and family
Do not loose your identity in the pressure of work as it is important to keep a balance between work and family.
Keep a sense of perspective for your own self so that you can foresee the future perspectives. Toddlers can be handled but pre-teens are difficult to handle, therefore you also require some interaction with your children either it is a boy or girl.
Make your child independent
Children must be raised up to bear every situation in life which will make them a good person as well as self-independent.
Do not fulfill entire wishes of your child, which will otherwise make him stubborn and indecent.
Tackle your child with care and love where ever he needs and sometimes little sulking makes your child realize the value of petty things.