Vaastu Shastra

an Encyclopedia on Vastu Shastra

Vastu Tips for Business

Vastu Shastra for business
Vastu certainly lays norms for every existing thing on this earth and business is no exception. To promote and make business sound Vastu provides some basic rules and norms regarding layout, orientation and prospects of progressive business. Vastu help in balancing the energy elements of place with cosmic elements to bring inflow of positive energies leading to prosperous and wealthy business. To move business ahead from rag to riches and to increase wealth, it is essential to consider Vastu norms pertaining to business:
  • Shermukhi plots- broad from front and narrow at the back, are considered ideal for commercial such as office or factory purpose.
  • Vastu Advice for BusinessThe main door or entrance should always be in East or North direction.
  • All electrical equipments must be positioned in South-east.
  • Pantry, if any in business house should be located in South-east.
  • Room of owner must be in South-west and person must sit facing North.
  • Staff, if any in the business must be given room in North-west.
  • Locker room should be in South-west but locker must open facing North.
  • Parking should be given in North-western side.
  • Guard's room must be in North-west and do not ever given room near South-west.
  • Heavy weight or machinery etc should be located in South-west direction.
  • Proper direction for the production process in business is from South-west to North-east.
  • Ensure that North-eastern part of business must be open and clean.

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